Celebration of Life; remembering Sachiko "Jackie", Lisa's mother

We focus very much on the futures of the children we work with. How they can have the support and encouragement to pursue their dreams, education and lives. But we rarely have been approached by those who have started out in similar ways and gone on to live very productive lives.

Lisa approached us with the passing of her mother and has been kind enough to share so many stories and memories for our Obaa-chan in the cloud at the same time raising funds for the DAA summer camp.

Jackie was adopted in the 1930’s in Japan and had the love and support at a young age which made all the difference in the world.

May 19th is the day of celebrating Jackie’s life and a reminder that our lives are not necessarily about us but what we leave behind by way of laughter, teaching and memories.

In this regard, Jackie has left much behind for Lisa and her friends and family.


Thank you Robert Walters for your contribution to the KIWL 2019 Bike Ride this June


Obaa-chan in the cloud