COLT BBQ with Matsubaen kids

Even in Tokyo, one of the richest cities in the world, do you know that there are children who can not receive enough education due to various difficult situations?

There are many children who can not live with their parents because of family circumstances, and they live in facilities. In principle, they can live in the facility until they are 18 years old, but it is very difficult for them to enter university or go to work after turning 18. Some children give up on education, even though they have academic ability.

We support to eliminate the educational gap of these children.
Take action to make these children's future better.
All donations will be donated to YouMeWe, which supports these children.
A separate thank-you email will be sent from YouMeWe to those who contributed to the donation.

Best regards,

Colt CSR Team







Colt CSR Team

We had a BBQ with the CSR team of COLT at were able to meet with the teens from Matsubaen about their dreams and plans for the future. COLT is currently organizing a fund raiser HERE to help with the costs of further education,


Thanking Junko for all of her help with the KIWL 2019 Bike Ride logistics


A big thank you to Ai Flowers, Masae Nakano and the Blu Jam Cafe for this event