DAY 7&8 Iva C.A.R.E.S. Fund raiser




Tokaido trek: day 7 & 8

Day 7: a nothing day. Read over the 1st draft of my novel. Drank lots of tea. When fellow hostel dwellers ask what I'm doing today, I beam and say, "Nothing."

第7日目:何も無い日。手がけている小説の最初の原稿を読み直す。お茶を沢山飲む。ユースホステルの他の客に今日は何をしているのかと尋ねられて、私は笑顔で “何もしない。”と答えた。

Sometimes, you've just got to do nothing.


Day 8: spent the morning finishing a read of my 1st draft. With the optimism that comes from pain-free feet and a nothing-day, I venture back onto the Tokaido. Steep winding roads? Bring them on.

第8日目:朝はずっと原稿を読み全て読み終えた 。足ももう痛く無く、何もせずに一日を過ごして充電したので、明るく東海道へ戻る。曲がりくねった急坂? 何でも来い。

Walking past Odawara was lovely. The houses are traditional, the streets dotted with sakura trees, and the horizon framed by blueish mountains. A friend shared an article about how lonely many Japanese elderly people are (love that YouMeWe have a project to help this!), so I make sure to say "Konnichiwa" with a massive smile to all the old people I walk by.

小田原を過ぎるところはとても美しい。伝統的な家があり、道なりに桜の木々があって、地平線は青い山々に囲まれている。日本のお年寄りはとても寂しくしているという友人が紹介してくれた記事を読んだので(YouMeWeにはお年寄りとのプログラムもあるので素晴らしい!)、私は歩く先々で、お年寄りに出会うたびに大きな笑顔で “こんにちは” と言った。

At one point I pass a bus that is stuck in traffic and catch two old ladies staring at me curiously. Before they can look away, I wave madly at them and they wave back, equally madly, smiling widely. Winner of the day!


The tokaido route takes me away from the highway and onto a small backroad that is even more traditional. Love it! I grab some oranges from a 100 yen help-yourself basket (apparently the oranges here are famous. Personal report: they were nice, but not rumour-worthy) and pass by people tilling their small plots.

東海道53次のルートは大通りから離れ小さな更に昔ながらの小道へと私を導く 。素晴らしい! 100円均一の無人販売のカゴからみかんを幾つか掴んで(ここでのみかんは有名なようだが。個人的な報告:みな悪くは無いが、噂ほどではない。)話をしている人達の横を過ぎて進む。

It's been a week of walking, and what I've found myself loving is the sheer amount there is to see. And I don't mean any particular 'sights', but rather the little things: an umbrella hanging from a random pipeline, an old man craning his head to observe something in the distance, a small shrine tucked in the shade of bamboo trees.


There are so many little interesting/strange/funny things that I've observed that I wish I could share, but alas, there is too much of it. Einstein said something along the lines of, "Life begins once you live outside of yourself", and by taking in all these details and the stories behind them, I feel that my life during this walk has become so much richer, and I'm so grateful for it.

奇妙で・興味深くて・おかしな可愛いものが沢山あって全部皆に聞かせて見せたいのだけれども、しかし、ああ、沢山有り過ぎて全部共有できない。アインシュタインが “自分自身の外側で生きる時に初めて人生が始まる” というような事を言ったが、旅先で出会う細かな事やその裏にある話を全て汲み取っていく中で、私のこの徒歩の旅はより豊かになっていくのだろうと感じた。とても有り難く思う。

Houses make way for mountains and forests. Hakone is near. I take a bus through the route I walked the day before yesterday, and get off at a particulary steep spot. I laugh. The Walk of Steepness begins.


How did I manage, you may ask? Totally fine. Just like anything else, it was far worse in my head than in reality. In fact, with my feet not hurting anymore, The Walk of Steepness was enjoyable. With no tourists around and only trees of different shades and later lines of snow, it was very peaceful. I walked for hours until the sun set and it began to grow dark. Then the fear began.


It wasn't the darkness itself that scared me but its context. I was alone on a mountain, no more cars were passing, there were tall, eerie trees everywhere and it kept on getting colder and darker. But it wasn't only that. My imagination started to think up vivid, terrifying scenarios.


Were they realistic? Not one bit. But as I tried to quel my fears by thinking of the absurd probabilites of someone stalking me in the dark, my legs move faster. My heart starts to race. Any aches I had are gone. It was 3 kilometers to Hakone and I had to get there before it was pitch black.


I march forward as fast as I could. It gets colder, darker. I spot a bus stop. Heart fluttering with relief,  I jog towards it and check the timetable. The last bus is at 18:00. I check my phone: it's 18:47. Hands frozen and heart pounding, I power walk up the mountain as fast I can.


There are lights in the distance. A car. I cross the road and wave madly at the car coming down, hoping that they can give me a ride. It drives by. I walk on. Then I hear a woman's voice and someone walks towards me. The car had stopped. I jog towards her and ask if they can take me to any station on the way.


"Odawara eki?" she asks.

“小田原駅?” 彼女は聞く。

"Hai! Hai! Any eki! Arigatou!!!!"


I join the woman and her three co-workers in their car and we drive down. Obviously, I am grinning like a baffoon. We chat, laugh, buildings come into view and eventually the station. I say "arigatou!!!" over and over and bow deeply (I saw them again that night when I was walking about!) Happy not to be on the darkness of the mountains with my absurd imagination, I roam the streets till midnight.


I walk through Odawara castle and find people having picnics under white cherry blossoms in full bloom. The moon is out. There is magic in the air. I grab my own 7/11 picnic and sit by a river under sakura trees. Life is wonderful :)



HandsOn Tokyo Volunteer event with NightZooKeeper


Day 5 & 6: Iva C.A.R.E.S Fund Raiser