Day 9 & 10 IVA C.A.R.E.S. Fund raiser

Tokaido trek: day 9 & 10

Day 9: topping off the magic of last night, I camped near Odawara castle. Then at 5 am, the strangest thing happened. I woke up to a man apologizing and then crouching at a nearby tank and fiddling with it.


1) what on earth is he doing?


2) he seems totally fine and harmless, but 1)


3) i'm too tired to care


Having watched him for a while and not making sense of anything I closed my eyes but stayed awake until he was gone. I wait for a while to make sure he doesn't come back, and when he doesn't, I fall back to sleep.


But then he's back. With another apology, he returns to the same spot, fiddles around, then leaves.


I consider leaving my spot, but I got zero questionable vibes from him.


I wake up. Again. This time to a cat staring intently at me. Time to leave. I pack up and then go to look at where the man was crouching and lo and behold, there's a bowl of water and cat food! How nice of him!


I wonder around the cherry blossoms as the sun rises. I hear a meowing and find a cat sitting on the castle wall. First it seems like he wants to get down, but then settles down and watches the sun rise.


On this bright new day, having wandered through more cherry blossoms and watched the sun rise with a cat (seriously, check the photo out!), my right leg develops this very painful strain and the blisters are worse. Nevermind. But as the day goes by it gets worse and I can't even walk. Enter: another nothing-day.


Day 10: That's it. Pain or not, a walk is happening today (How did those travelling the Tokaido deal with blisters etc?  They just dealt with it!) I take a bus back onto the route and don't fuss about the 1 km I miss. Ah, what a walk! From Hakone onwards, the Tokaido trail leads through the old stone roads and changing nature: a tunnel of curved bamboos, tall silent forests, golden swaying reeds. The isolation and peace that comes with it reminds me of scotland, and for the first time, I actually feel like I'm on an adventure :) As I shift from scenery to scenery, the horizon of mountains is the only thing that doesn't change.

第10日目:もうこれまでだ。痛かろうが無かろうが、今日は歩くぞ。(東海道を歩いた昔の人は足のまめをどうしたんだろう? 無理やり頑張ったのかな?) 私はバスに乗って東海道のルートに戻った。1kmくらい抜かしたけれども、まあ良いか。箱根から先への歩き。何てところを歩くもんだ! 東海道53次は昔の石畳の道を進み景色や自然も変わってくる:曲がった竹があるトンネルや、高い木々の静かな森、黄金色に揺れるアシの草。この孤独な感じと平和な静けさはスコットランドを思い出させる。そして、日本で初めて冒険に来ていることを感じさせた。笑。いろいろな景色が変わる中で、山々の稜線だけが変わらない。

At one point I emerge from a trail and find some daffodils!  The signs of spring that I am so used to in London. Then a garden appears, a plot of vegetables, and a cozy house, with the Tokaido going straight through them! (Would have made a great undercover post station in the Edo period! )

あるところでは、道を抜けたところでスイセンを見つけた。ロンドンでとてもおなじみの春の兆しだ。そして庭がでて来た。沢山の野菜があり、こじんまりした可愛いい家がある。東海道はこういうところを進むのだ! (ここなら、江戸時代に素敵な街道の宿場になっただろうに!)

The skies turn pink as the sun sets. Learning from my Hakone-moment (now I laugh at it) I take a bus to Shimizu before it gets dark. Turns out there was a post station right next to me that I missed on my map!


The city lights glisten like stars (seriously, haven't seen this elsewhere) and as night falls and I see the familiar Lawson sign, I am filled with a deep appreciation for the konbini.  During my 10 day journey, it's been a constant source of food, bathrooms, and familiarity amongst the unfamiliar.


So tonight, my praise goes to konbinis ;)



Day 11 & 12 Iva C.A.R.E.S. Fund Raiser


HOVR donates devices for the children's home