Day 4: Designing Artists Academy: Artist Arisa

Every year at DAA we always have a dance workshop component for kids to explore movement & rhythm. Together Hayato Yamaguchi & Arisa Imaeda have been leading these workshops-Hayato since 2009!! This year we will truly miss Hayato-san (he lives in Germany) but we are so lucky to have Arisa coming back to teach kids at St.Francis children's home a 3-day dance workshop. Kids will learn a choreographed dance sequence to perform for their home. Arisa-san is a super talent and also a natural pro at helping kids break away from their shyness and open up creatively. Below Hayato and Arisa are featured in a workshop from DAA 2015.


Day 5: Designing Artists Academy- Artist Key teaching singing at St.Francis


Syrian children collaboration in Amman, Jordan