
Day 13: I had a trekking companion today!



Let me start at the beginning. Woke up. Konbini. The routine. Spotted a guy with the whole backpack/tent/sleeping bag set up, and of course we were going to talk.



Matthew is a university student in tokyo going on a 6 day hitchhike tour. Being a musician/traveller, we naturally had a lot to talk about, so he decided to join my walk for a day and I unknowingly passed a post station because of it!



When I say "Fuji city" what comes to your mind? (If you're not familiar with it)



Fuji-san, more mountains, some forests, fluttering butterflies perhaps, right?



An industrial city greeted us instead: Factories with metal columns spewing grey smoke. Unkempt buildings with rusting signs. Rubbish. The remains of Yoshiwara post station was a bleak alleyway by an old shopping area.



We cross a bridge with views of factories and smoke called Dream Bridge. First I think it couldn't be more out of place, but then I wonder that perhaps, it was exactly what people here needed.



The day of walking and company ends at a bathhouse. Time for some relaxation :) We camp at a large park and Matthew has an extra sleeping mat, yay me!



Day 14:


A bright new day, I was looking forward to leaving Fuji city and its smoke.



Matthew departs to Nagano and I return to the dear Tokaido. Taking me through the park and then a river walkway, it's as if I am in an oasis of nature. Then the factories return.



Soon they make way for my favourite side of Japan: traditional houses, flowers, mountains ever watchful in the distance, Fuji-san behind clouds. Somehow, the route gets more and more beautiful! (Reminds me a lot of South England with its cottages and flowers).



An old lady stops by a particularly stunning garden and I join her and comment on it. She tells me that it's her friend's garden and whether I would like to see it. Mochiron!



It's an open garden. Go see it. It's won international awards. Walking past the layers of flowers, the garden reveals more and more of itself, like an unfolding flower, until find yourself in centre srrounded by tulips and foxgloves and sakura, speechless. It's a soulful place.



I meet Saito, the owner, and he speaks english so we have a real chat! He tells me his wife and he had worked on this garden for 30 years and that the house beside it belonged to his merchant ancestors from 1685 ("oh my god the Edo period!" My mind pings to me). Leaving the garden, I thank the man for giving me the chance to see it. Whoever visits it is blessed.

オーナーの斎藤さんに会う。彼は英語を話せるので、ちゃんとした会話ができた! 彼によると、奥さんと二人で30年この庭を手入れしたという。隣にある家は1685年の彼の先祖の商人のものという。(“江戸時代だ!” 私の頭の中でちゃんとピーンと来た。)彼にお礼を言って、庭園を離れた。誰がここを訪れても幸せな気持ちになれるだろう。


Down the road a friend of the lady I first spoke to waves to me and she gifts me some large tomatoes, yum! We go see her garden, and unlike the english-inspired, bursting colours of the previous one, her garden is simple, very Japanese.



I ask what her favourite flower is, and she points to a simple white flower. "It's simple and brings me peace, " she says. Another friend of hers joins us and then brings over a bright orange bridal kimono for me to try on and take a photo! We have have a good laugh and chat with lots of acting/hand gestures. I leave with the biggest smile on my face...

彼女に、どの花が一番好きかときく。彼女は一輪の白い着飾らない花を指した。“これは質素だけれども安らぎをもたらしてくれる。”彼女は言う。彼女の別な友達が入ってきて、明るいオレンジ色の結婚式の着物を持ってきてくれて写真を撮った!皆で大きく笑って沢山の身振り手真似で話す。 私は大きな笑顔でさよならを言った。


This is why I chose walking over cycling! I love listening to people's stories, journeys, dreams and partaking in a fragment of their lives.

これだから私は自転車よりも徒歩を選ぶ! 人々の話題や、過去の旅の話、彼らの夢に耳を傾けて、まるで彼らの人生の一部にもぐり込むような事ができる。


In a dream-like state, I walk through more traditional houses with beautiful gardens to Kanbara. At some point I urgently scour for a bathroom and an old lady's directions lead me to a small local gathering/market by a shrine and by a mountain-side of sakuras.



A family has a picnic, old men are drinking, food sellers beaming widely and asking about my journey and well-wishing me. A sweet lady buys me a dish of fried shrimps that were right from the nearby sea!



To me, it was a magical moment. Here I was, from London, coming across an event in a small town I had never heard of, in a country I had long dreamed of. Yet as the days pass, I realize more and more how it has all already exceeded any dream I had.



Thank you, Japan :) you have blessed me.



PS. Just found out that Kanbara originated as a post town for the tokaido!



Day 15&16 Iva C.A.R.E.S. Fund Raiser


Day 11 & 12 Iva C.A.R.E.S. Fund Raiser